Water Standards

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In Accordance with Section 7 of EWURA Act, Cap 414, the Authority is required to establish standards for goods and services and also standards for terms and conditions of supply of goods and services.

Water supply and sanitation Quality of services

EWURA has prepared Water Supply and Sanitation (Quality of Service) Rules, 2014 that sets out the minimum quality of service targets for WSSA to achieve the service targets set in Business plans.

Some WSSAs face inadequate infrastructure and under-investment. There is also a continuous pressure of population growth far exceeding the capabilities of WSSA s thus creating a service gap. A service gap is covered by the Informal Service Providers (ISPs) who supply water using private boreholes and water tankers. EWURA has made a regulatory intervention by preparing instruments for regulating Boreholes and Water tanker operators in DAWASA operational area. The prepared instruments are Guidelines for the Regulation of Water Tankers and Guidelines for the Regulation of Private boreholes.

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