Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions



1) How to Apply for Electricity Licensees and Access the Evaluation Process Stages.
• Electrical Installation Licence Application procedures 

2) How long does EWURA take to process and issue electricity licence?
Thirty (30) days from the date of completing the application and acceptance by EWURA. However, for electrical installation licence there is time for certification verification from colleges which is not part of the 30 days and for all other licence there is time for consulting other organizations such as Ministry responsible for electricity matters which is not part of the 30 days.

3) Can I apply for electrical installation licence for my company?
EWURA do not issue licences to companies instead it issues electrical installation licences to individuals.

4) What are requirements for obtaining electrical installation licence?
• Minimum requirements for obtaining electrical installation personnel licence

5) What is application procedure for electrical installation licence?
• Application Procedure for Electrical Installation Licence 

6) What Are Requirements for Application of Generation, Transmission and Distribution Licence?
• Requirements for Application of Generation, Transmission and Distribution Licence 

7) How much is the application fee for electricity installation licence
• Application Fee for Electricity Installation Licence

8) How much is the electricity installation licence fees?
• Electricity Installation Licence Fees 

9) How much is the application fees for provisional electricity generation, transmission and distribution licence
• Application Fees for Provisional Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution Licence 

10) How Much Is the Application Fees for Permanent Electricity Generation Licence
• Application Fees for Permanent Electricity Generation Licence 

11) How Much Is the Fee for Main Grid Electricity Generation Licence
• Fee for Main Grid Electricity Generation Licence 

12) How Much Is the Fee for Off Grid Electricity Generation and Distribution Licence
• Fee for Off Grid Electricity Generation and Distribution Licence 

13) How Much Is the Application Fees for Electricity Transmission and Distribution Licence.
• Application Fees for Electricity Transmission and Distribution Licence 

14) How Much Is the Fees for Main Grid Electricity Transmission Licence
• Fees for Main Grid Electricity Transmission Licence 

15) How Much Is The Fees For Electricity Distribution Licence
• Fees for Electricity Distribution Licence 

16) How Much Is the Fee for Electricity Registration for Capacity Less Than I MW
• TZS: 100,000.

17) How much is the fee for Own Use Baseload Electricity Generation Licence.
• Fee for Own Use Baseload Electricity Generation Licence 

18) Which Rule Guide the Development of Small Power Projects (SPPs)?
• SPPs Are Guided by The Electricity (Development of Small Power Projects) Rules.

19) Which Area Can Small Power Projects (SPPs) Be Developed?
• SPPs can only be developed in strategic areas which have technical benefits to the Distribution Network Operator. For an area to be considered as a strategic it has to fulfill the following criteria: contribute to improvement of voltage profile or Contribute to loss reduction, and Be strategic areas where both a developer and Distribution Network Operator (DNO) can determine a strategic area depending on a situation.

20) What Are the Options to The Mini-Grid Operator When Main Grid Arrives at An Area Where There Is A Mini-Grid Operator?
• First option is to become a Small Power Producer by maintaining a generation plant and be compensated for distribution network.
• Second option is to become a Small Power Distributor by maintaining both a generation plant and a distribution network, shut down a generation plant and purchase power in bulk from Ddistribution Nnetwork Ooperator (DNO) and continue to serve his/her customers.
• Third option is to remove the generation plant and distribution network and locate to another remote area.

21) What Are the Criteria for A Mini-Grid to Be Compensated After Arrival of The Main-Grid?
• The distribution network needs to be built in accordance with TBS standards for mini-grids; The project has to be between two and fifteen years old; The project has to be registered by the Authority; and the project has to have a letter of support from the Ministry responsible for energy

22) Does A Project of Capacity of Less Than One Megawatt Need A Licence to Operate?
• All projects of capacities of less than One Megawatt are exempted from licensing. However, they are required to be registered by the Authority.

23) What Are classes of Electrical Installation Licences?
• Classes of Electrical Installation Licenses



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