The Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Act (Cap. 414 ), section 6 (e) stipulates that it is a duty of the Authority to enhance public knowledge, awareness and understanding of regulated sectors, including the rights and obligations, ways in which complaints and disputes may be initiated and resolved; and the duties and functions of EWURA.
In order to balance the public expectations, a well planned public outreach is a prerequisite, as it is an integral part of the Authority’s functions in order to enhance public knowledge, awareness and understanding of the regulated sectors
Therefore, EWURA’s information centre is a gateway to regulatory information about the four sectors it regulates, which are Electricity, Petroleum, Natural Gas and Water and Sanitation.
EWURA, through its core value of transparency and in compliance with Section 24 of the EWURA Act Cap. 414, aims at ensuring that the entire local and international community is well and timely informed about its operations and documentation through its physical Public Access Register as well as this internet portal.
- #10326 (no title)
- #10727 (no title)
- About EWURA
- Annual Reports
- Approval and Licencing
- Archives
- Brochures
- Cap Prices
- Complaints and Resolution of Disputes – Electricity Sector
- Contacts
- Electrical Installation Personnel
- Electricity
- Electricity Awards
- Electricity Complaints and Resolution
- Electricity Complaints Register
- Electricity Compliance
- Electricity Consumer Complaints
- Electricity Grid Code
- Electricity Infrastructure
- Electricity Licensing and Registration
- Electricity Orders
- Electricity Regulatory Activities
- Electricity Regulatory Tools
- Electricity Ruling
- Electricity Tariff Review
- EWURA Fact Sheet
- EWURA launches new version of License and Order Information System (LOIS)
- EWURA Overview
- EWURA Strategic Plan
- Feedback Form
- Fraud reporting page (Whistleblowing)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Fuel Quality
- Information Centre
- Land Use
- Local Content LSSP Database
- Mr. Haruna Masebu
- Natural Gas
- Natural Gas Legislation -old
- Natural Gas Complaints and Resolution
- Natural Gas Economic Regulation -old
- Natural Gas Infrastructure
- Natural Gas Licensing
- Natural Gas Regulatory Tools
- Natural Gas Tariff
- News
- NPGIS (National Petroleum and Gas Information System)
- Online Services
- Others
- Petroleum
- Petroleum Awards
- Petroleum Complaints and Resolution
- Petroleum Complaints and Resolution – old
- Petroleum Complaints Register
- Petroleum Compliance Monitoring
- Petroleum Consumer Complaints
- Petroleum Fuel Prices
- Petroleum Infrastructure
- Petroleum Legislation
- Petroleum Licences
- Petroleum Orders
- Petroleum Performance Report
- Petroleum Product Pricing
- Petroleum Products and Infrastructure Standards
- Petroleum Regulatory Activities
- Photo Gallery
- Power Purchase Agreements
- Public Register
- Quality of Power
- Regulatory Tools
- Sector Performance Reports
- Site Map
- Small Power Projects
- Tariff
- Tenders
- Trespassing
- Vacancies
- Water Licensing
- Water Performance Reports
- Water and Sanitation
- Water and Sanitation – General Information -old
- Water and Sanitation Awards
- Water and Sanitation Consumer Complaints
- Water and Sanitation Orders
- Water and Sanitation Regulatory Tools
- Water and Sanitation Ruling
- Water Annual Performance Reports -old
- Water Complaints And Resolution
- Water Complaints Register
- Water Compliance
- Water Regulatory Activities
- Water Standards
- Water Tariff
- Website Disclaimer
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