Petroleum Products and Infrastructure Standards

Petroleum Products and Infrastructure Standards

Petroleum Standards

The Authority, at all times, ensures that the petroleum products and petroleum infrastructure conform to Standards and specifications. Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) has mandated to prepare new and review the existing Standards for petroleum products and petroleum downstream infrastructure. The Authority is a key stakeholder in these exercises. However, in doing so, TBS in collaboration with the Authority and other stakeholders. Once approved, the Authority ensures that petroleum operators adhere to these standards.

Currently, the applicable petroleum products standards are:

  1. TZS 672: 2012 – EAS 158:2012 ICS 75.160,20: Automotive gasoline (premium motor spirit) – specification;
  2. TZS 674: 2012 – EAS 177:2012 ICS 75.160.20: Automotive gasoil (automotive diesel) – specifications;
  3. TZS 673: 2017 – Fuel oil specifications;
  4. TZS 666: 2017 – Aviation Turbine Fuel (Jet-A1) Specifications
  5. CDC 15 (2026) PI – Denatured fuel ethanol for blending with gasoline for use as automotive spark;
  6. TZS 1099: 2012 – Automotive Biodiesel fuel specifications;
  7. CDC 17 (2026) PI/ISO 4925-2005 Road vehicles- Specifications of non-petroleum based brake fluids for hydraulic systems;
  8. CDC 17 (2062) PI/ISO 6743- 99 – Lubricants, Industrial oils and related products (Class L) – Classification; General;
  9. TZS 1068: 2008/ISO 6743- 9 – Lubricants, Industrial oils and related products (Class L) – Classification – Part 9: Family X (Greases);
  10. TZS 1073: 2008/ISO 15380.2002 – Lubricants, Industrial Oils and related products (Class L) – Classification; Classification; Family H (Hydraulic System)- specifications HGET, HEPG, HEES and HEPR;
  11. TZS 647:2001 Engine Oils – Minimum Performance – specification;
  12. TZS 675:2001 Multipurpose Automotive Gear Lubricant (EP) – specification;
  13. TZS 667:2001 Motor Vehicles Brake Fluids – specification; and
  14. TZS 580:2017 (E) Illuminating Kerosene (IK) – specification.
  15. TZS 818:2004 Liquefied Petroleum Gas specifications;
  16. TZS 1076:2008 Selection, specifications, installations, operations and measuring instruments on petroleum storage tanks;

The applicable petroleum installation standards include:

  1. TZS 1076: 2008 Selection, specification, installation, operations and measuring instruments on petroleum storage tanks;
  2. TZS 1113: 2009 Depot for storage of petroleum products;
  3. TZS 1115: 2009 Petroleum Products Retail Outlets;
  4. TZS 1114: 2009 Road transport vehicles, containers, and equipment used for transportation of dangerous petroleum products;
  5. TZS 1079: 2009 Installation of underground storage tanks, pumps/dispensers and pipe work at service stations and consumer installations; and
  6. Code of practice for cleaning of the petroleum storage tanks and disposal of sludge.

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