Water and Sanitation

Regulatory Activities | Regulatory Tools | Licensing | Tariff | Compliance | Performance Reports | Complaints and Disputes Resolutions

 General information

Section 28 of the Water Supply and Sanitation Act, 2019 and EWURA Act Cap 414 2006, provide mandates to the Authority,  to perform both technical and economic regulation of water supply and sanitation services in Tanzania, in order to protect stakeholders’ interests; ensuring sustainability of service providers’ financial viability and promoting  availability of regulated services to all consumers including low income and disadvantaged. In achieving these objectives, EWURA, among other things, issues licences, enforces quality and reliability of supply, approves rates and charges. Further, EWURA reviews business plans, customer service charters for water supply and sanitation authorities, promotes effective competition and promotes economic efficiency.

Currently, EWURA regulates 85 WSSAs, which provide water supply and sanitation services at Regional and District headquarters, Township and National Projects Water Authorities, shown in a List of Regulated WSSAs as of June 2023; as declared by the Minister responsible for water  summarized here under:-

Table: Summary of regulated WSSAs

Type of Utilities No. of Utilities
1. Regional WSSAs 26
2. National Projects Water Authorities 7
3. DT WSSAs 52


Water installed capacity, Production and Demand

Water production  FY 2021/22 in regional and national projects water utilities  was 356 million m3. While, water installed capacity amounts to 554 million m3, and total water demand  to 682 million m3. For District and Township Water Utilities, water production was 37.2 million m3 in FY 2021/22 while demand stood at 105.5 Million m3.


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