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Water and Sanitation Regulatory Tools
Powers to regulate the water supply and sanitation service providers emanate from EWURA-Act-Cap-414; and The Water Supply and Sanitation Act, 2019 EWURA is empowered to regulate water supply and sanitation authorities that operate in urban and townships of Tanzania. The National Water Policy(2002) provides guidance on priority areas for inter-sectoral development planning, resource management and water utilization.
The Water Supply and Sanitation Act, 2019 provides a room for sustainable management and adequate operation and transparent regulation of water supply and sanitation services with a view to give effect to the National Water Policy, 2002.
The following are list of regulatory tools for water utilities:-
- The Water Tankers Rules 2023 -GN 427
- The Water Supply and Sanitation (Commercial and Community Boreholes Operations) Rules, 2023-GN 426
- The Water Supply Sanitation Licensing Fees Rules 2020-GN 944
- The Water Supply and Sanitation Service (Licensing and Quality of Service) Rules 2020-GN 849
- The EWURA (Water Tariff Application and Rate Setting) Rules 2020, GN. 490
- The EWURA Consumer Complaints Settlement Rules 2020 -GN 428
- The Water Supply and Sanitation Regulations 2019-GN 828
- The Water Supply and Sanitation (Clustering of Water Authorities) Regulations 2019 GN 826
- The EWURA (Compounding of Offences) Regulations 2020-SUPP GN . 397
- Ministry of Water Design Manual 2020 (http://design.maji.go.tz/index.php/Main_Page))
- Mwongozo wa Usimamizi wa Usafi wa Mazingira na Topekinyesi kwa Mamlaka za Majisafi na Usafi wa Mazingira 2024
- Water Kiosks Operation and Management Guidelines, 2022
- Performance Benchmarking Guidelines for WSSAs -2022
- Business Planning Guidelines for WSSAs 2022
- Incident Management Planning for WSSAs Guidelines 2022
- Water Meter Selection Installation Testing and Maintenance for WSSAs Guidelines 2021.
- Development of Non Revenue Water Reduction Strategy for WSSAs Guidelines 2021.
- Water and Wastewater Quality Monitoring Guidelines-2020
- Onsite Sanitation and Faecal Sludge Management for WSSAs Guidelines 2020
- Operation and Management of Water Kiosks for Water Utilities Guidelines 2018.
- Mwongozo wa Kuandaa Mkataba wa Huduma kwa Mteja kwa Mamlaka za Maji na Usafi wa Mazingira
Water Utilities are required to comply with the standards provided Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS). Standards for water pipes, water meters, fittings, quality. These standards are obtained from TBS through standards catalogue as follows:-
- TZS789:2018-EAS12:2018 Portable Water Specification
- TZS760:2019 (2nd Edition) Wastewater
- TZS782-1:2015/ISO4064:2014 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water — Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements
- TZS 605-2: 2015 ISO 1452-2: 2009 Plastics piping systems for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage under pressure-2: Pipes
- TZS 605-3: 2015 ISO 1452-3: 2009 Plastics piping systems for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage under pressure-3: Fitting
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