Taarifa za jumla | Shughuli za Udhibiti wa Maji na Usafi wa Mazingira | Nyenzo za Udhibiti wa Maji na Usafi wa Mazingira | Utoaji wa leseni | Viwango vya bei na tozo | Masuala ya Afya, Usalama na Mazingira | Ripoti za Utendaji wa Mamlaka za Maji | Utatuzi wa Malalamiko yanayohusu Huduma za Maji na Usafi wa Mazingira
Nyenzo za Udhibiti wa Maji na Usafi wa Mazingira
Sera ya Taifa ya Maji (National Water Policy), 2002
- Sheria ya EWURA, Sura Na. 414 EWURA-Act-Cap-414
- Sheria ya Maji na Usafi wa Mazingira Sura Na. 272 The Water Supply and Sanitation Act, 2019
Sheria Ndogo
- The Water Supply Sanitation Licensing Fees Rules 2020-GN 944
- The Water Supply and Sanitation Service (Licensing and Quality of Service) Rules 2020-GN 849
- The EWURA (Water Tariff Application and Rate Setting) Rules 2020, GN. 490
- The EWURA Consumer Complaints Settlement Rules 2020 -GN 428
- The Water Supply and Sanitation Regulations 2019-GN 828
- The Water Supply and Sanitation (Clustering of Water Authorities) Regulations 2019 GN 826
- The EWURA (Compounding of Offences) Regulations 2020-SUPP GN . 397
- Water and Wastewater Quality Monitoring Guidelines 2020
- Ministry of Water Design Manual 2020 (http://design.maji.go.tz/index.php/Main_Page))
- Performance Benchmarking Guidelines for WSSAs -2022
- Business Planning Guidelines for WSSAs 2022
- Incident Management Planning for WSSAs Guidelines 2022
- Water Meter Selection Installation Testing and Maintenance for WSSAs Guidelines 2021.
- Development of Non Revenue Water Reduction Strategy for WSSAs Guidelines 2021.
- Onsite Sanitation and Faecal Sludge Management for WSSAs Guidelines 2020
- Guidelines for Operation and Management of Water Kiosks for Water Supply and Sanitation Authorities, 2022
- Mwongozo wa Kuandaa Mkataba wa Huduma kwa Mteja kwa Mamlaka za Maji na Usafi wa Mazingira
Viwango vya Ubora
Mamlaka za Maji na Usafi wa Mazingira zinapaswa zinatumia vifaa ambavyo vinakidhi viwango vya ubora kama vilivyoainishwa na Shirika la Viwango Tanzania (TBS) kama ifuatavyo:-
- TZS789:2018-EAS12:2018 Portable Water Specification
- TZS760:2019 (2nd Edition) Wastewater
- TZS782-1:2015/ISO4064:2014 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water — Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements
- TZS 605-2: 2015 ISO 1452-2: 2009 Plastics piping systems for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage under pressure-2: Pipes
- TZS 605-3: 2015 ISO 1452-3: 2009 Plastics piping systems for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage under pressure-3: Fittings
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