- Ulimboka Daniel Mwambugi Vs Mount Meru Petrol Station
- Fundisha J.Madulu Vs Barrel Petrol Energy
- Herman Nombo Vs Manarani Petrol Station
- Joanitha Owokushubira Lwankomezi Vs Ibra General Enterprises
- Makini Service Station Vs Total Tanzania Ltd
- Mathew M.Gwau Vs Camel Oil Tanzania Ltd
- Nickson Lwebangira on behalf of Mihan gas Vs Evel Nicaz
- John N. Waluye Vs Gudal Ltd
- Same District Council Vs Kituma Eterprises
- Samuel Sumayan on behalf of East Africa Driving School Vs GAPCO Maji ya Chai
- Isac Jiwa Lakha Vs Murtaza Kariakoo Gas Supplies
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