Eng. Ngosi Mwihava

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Prof. Mark Mwandosya| Mr. Fadhil Manongi | Ms. Victoria Elangwa | Dr. James Andilile | Mr. Haruna Masebu|

Eng. Ngosi Mwihava


Name                             –           Ngosi C.X. Mwihava. Date of Birth                –           15th March, 1959. Place of birth               –           Iringa.

Place of domicile         –           Iringa. Sex                                  –            Male. Marital Status               –           Married. National                         –            Tanzanian.

Languages                    –           Swahili – fluent.

English – fluent.

Address:          P.O. Box 7725

Dar-es-Salaam. Cellular Phone: +255 – 754 – 464036

E-Mail:  nmwihava@gmail.com


University:                    Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Mechanical) – University of Dar es Salaam (1986).


Master of Science (Renewable Energy and the Environment) – Reading University, Reading (UK) 1991.

Profession:                   Registered Professional Engineer (Mechanical) – Engineers Registration

Board of Tanzania, July 1998. Registration No. 1369.


Computer Proficiency:             MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power point, MS Publisher and Internet and a bit of MS Project.


Name              of


Post held Date           of appointment Duties
Min. of Energy & Minerals Assistant Executive Engineer 11.08.1986 Renewable    energy    resources    and    technologies information collection analysis and compilation.
Senior 01.06.1990 Renewable energy projects & technologies appraisal,





  Assistant Executive Engineer   coordination and monitoring, Assessment of renewable energy resources/technologies including energy efficiency and  conservation. As from 1997, Head of Renewable Energy Section.
Principal Executive Engineer III 06.05.2002 Supervising, planning, managing and coordinating activities related New and Renewable Energy in the country, and Advising the Commissioner for Energy and Petroleum Affairs in New and Renewable Energy, Energy Conservation and Efficiency issues.
Assistant Commissioner for Renewable Energy 22.08.2002 •           Advising and assisting the Commissioner for Energy and Petroleum Affairs on issues pertaining to New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation and Efficiency  (ECE)

•           Supervising,      planning,      managing      and coordinating   activities   related      New   and

Renewable Energy and ECE

Vice  President’s


Deputy Permanent Secretary 20.07.2010 Assisting the Chief Executive/Permanent Secretary of the Office (VPO) in providing managerial/administrative leadership in accordance

with the Ministerial Instrument;

Ministry of Energy and Minerals Deputy Permanent Secretary 22.08.2013 Assisting the Chief Executive/Permanent Secretary of the Ministry in providing managerial/administrative leadership in accordance with the Ministerial Instrument;
Ministry of Energy and Minerals Acting Permanent Secretary 23.12.2014 Providing  managerial/administrative  leadership  in accordance with the Ministerial Instrument;
Ministry           of


Deputy Permanent Secretary 28.11.2015 Assisting the Chief Executive/Permanent Secretary of the Ministry in providing managerial/administrative leadership   in   accordance   with   the   Ministerial


Vice  President’s


Deputy Permanent Secretary 31.12.2015 Assisting the Chief Executive/Permanent Secretary of the Office (VPO) in providing managerial/administrative leadership in accordance with the Ministerial Instrument.



May’18 – Now               Retired  civil  servant.  Provides  occasional  support  to  the  Institute  of Environment and Development Sustainability based at Bunju, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (ieds.or.tz)

Jan’16 –  Oct’17            Deputy Permanent Secretary with main role of assisting the Permanent Secretary on general Vice President’s Office leadership, overseeing human resources management and development, supervising Office’s plan and budget preparations and implementation; coordinating Environment and Union matters.

Nov’15 – Dec’15          Deputy Permanent Secretary with main role of assisting the Permanent Secretary on general Ministry of Water’s Office leadership, overseeing human resources management and development, supervising Office’s plan and   budget preparations and implementation; and coordinating   and monitoring water sector development matters including policy & legal – regulatory issues.

Dec’14 – Nov’15          Acting Permanent Secretary with main role of providing general Ministry of Energy and Minerals’ Office leadership, overseeing human resources management and development, supervising Office’s plan and   budget preparations and implementation; coordinating energy and minerals’ matters.

August’13 – Dec’14     Deputy Permanent Secretary with main role of assisting the Permanent Secretary on general Ministry of Energy and Minerals’ Office leadership, overseeing human resources management and development, supervising Office’s plan and  budget preparations and implementation; coordinating energy and minerals’ matters.

July’10 –  August’13     Deputy Permanent Secretary with main role of assisting the Permanent Secretary on general Vice President’s Office leadership, overseeing human resources management and development, supervising Office’s plan and budget preparations and implementation; coordinating environment and union matters.

1997 – July’ 10:            Head of Renewable Energy Section of the Ministry [as from August 2002] –


Assistant Commissioner for Energy (Renewable Energy)].

1986 – July’ 10:            Renewable  Energy Resources’ development and efficient utilization of energy including promotion and dissemination of: improved cook stoves, improved charcoal production techniques, solar photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies, wind mills, biogas technology and coal utilization technologies; renewable energy and alternative energy (including coal) resources’ data collection, analysis and compilation; and participation in energy (in particular renewable energy and energy efficiency) policy formulation, review, coordination and dissemination. Brief break down of work experience is as follows;-


As an Assistant Executive Engineer (equivalent to Engineer II) (1986 -1990):

  • Participated in conducting survey of Dar es Salaam peri-urban biogas plants  and   in identifying potential customers for biogas technology, 1986;
  • Evaluated the performance of a community charcoal stove at Tanzania Bora Shoe Co. under GTZ supported Special Energy Programme, 1987;
  • Local counterpart to an International Consultant in conducting a Pre-investment study on introduction of improved brick kilns for charcoal production at areas with high biomass density (a component of World Bank supported Energy 1 Project), May-June 1987;
  • Local experts’ team member to the Peri-urban Woodfuel Supply Study conducted with a UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP) team, September 1987;
  • Local counterpart to an International Consultant in conducting a Pre-investment study on introduction of improved earth mound (casamance) kilns for charcoal production in the Coast Region, Nov.- December 1987;
  • Participation in preparation of contracts for the introduction of Improved Brick and earth mound Kilns, 1988 and 1989; and
  • Analysed and compiled the country’s renewable energy information and data, 1989.

As a Senior Assistant Executive Engineer (equivalent to Engineer II) (1990 – May 2002):



  • Conducted a survey of the existing bio-electrification plants (sugar and saw mills) in the country, November to December 1991;
  • Coordinating biogas and coal utilization technology dissemination activities, January 1992 to June 1993;


  • Conducted an Assessment of Energy Projects and their effective utilization in Tanzania, June 1993 to 1994;
  • Coordinating solid waste management (including energy recovery from refuse recycling)

Working Group of the Sustainable Dar es Salaam Project Supported by UNDP/HABITAT;

  • Conducting field-tests on brick burning kilns in Iringa, Mbeya and Arusha. [A Stockholm

Environment Institute (SEI)/SIDA supported project.], 1994  – 1998;

  • Participated as a local consultant in Formulation of a framework for National Programme on the application of Renewable Energy Technologies and Energy Conservation, July 1997

– March 1998;

  • Participated as Ministry of Energy and Minerals’ resource person in the SIDA supported

Rural Energy Study, July 1998; and

  • Conducted Appraisal and evaluation of UNDP/Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small

Grants Programme supported Renewable Energy Projects, 2000.

  • Participation in equipment and services procurement for various renewable energy and energy conservation projects. (1990 to July, 2010).
  • Acting as an Assistant Commissioner for Renewable Energy (As from February 2002).

Coordinating renewable energy and energy efficiency and conservation activities and

managing people.



As a Principal Executive Engineer III (equivalent to Principal Engineer II) (May – August 2002):

  • Core Team Member in the National Energy Policy review, 1999- May 2002;
  • Participated in the design/formulation of a UNDP/GEF supported Project Development Phase (PDF) on Removing Barriers to the Transformation of the Rural PV Market in Tanzania, 2001 – May 2002.
  • Supervising and coordinating of renewable energy and energy conservation activities as Acting Assistant Commissioner for Renewable Energy.

As an Assistant Commissioner for Renewable Energy (August 2002 to July, 2010):

  • Core Team Member in the National Energy Policy review, May 2002 -2003;
  • Project Officer for a UNDP/GEF supported Project Development Phase (PDF) on Removing Barriers to the Transformation of the Rural PV Market in Tanzania, May 2002 – 2003;
  • Team leader for a Short research on status of geothermal energy in Tanzania, 2003-2004;
  • Team  Leader  for  Preparation  of  Energy  Sector  inputs  to  the  National  Adaptation Programme of Action, 2004;


  • Core team Member in the Establishment of Rural Energy Agency & Fund.
  • Participated in  the  design/formulation  of  Sida  supported  Project  Solar  PV  market transformation in Rural areas of Tanzania. (2002 to 2005)
  • Short term consultant to Centre for Energy, Environment, Science and Technology (CEEST) in conducting an Energy Sector Technological Needs Assessment, 2004 – March 2005;
  • Team leader for a Short research work on co-generation in Tanzania, October 2005 -January 2007;
  • Participation in preparation of contracts for
  • As Secretary of the National Biofuels Task Force, coordinating the Task Force’s activities.(June 2006 to July 2010);
  • Coordinating and  monitoring  implementation  of  UNDP/GEF  supported  Project  on Removing Barriers to the Transformation of the Rural PV Market in Tanzania. One of the barriers being addressed is financing Solar PV as one of the non-grid electrification options. (2003 to July 2010)
  • Coordinating and monitoring implementation of Sida supported Project Solar PV market transformation in Rural areas of Tanzania. (2005 to July 2010).
  • Managing contracts under Renewable Energy Section of the Ministry.
  • Supervision and Coordination of other Renewable energy and energy efficiency and conservation activities including donor supported Renewable energy projects (2002 to July,2010);
  • Coordinating other actors in renewable and rural based energy services provision including NGOs, private companies, Donors such as GTZ, Sida, UNDP, Global Environment Facility, UNEP, Global Village Energy partnership, etc.
  • Screening Renewable and energy efficient and Conservation project proposals before the GEF Focal Point’s (Vice President’s Office) endorsement. (1997 to July, 2010)
  • As a member of the Ministerial Tender Board, managing the procurement processes in theMinistry; and
  • Core Team Member of the Joint Energy Sector Review (August 2007 to July, 2010).
  • Team leader of the Task Force to conduct due diligence in the emergency Procurement of Perkins generators for Kigoma/Ujiji, June 2009.

As Deputy Permanent Secretary (July, 2010 to 2018):

  • Advising the Permanent Secretary (PS) on provision of policy guidance to heads of departments/Sections and other staff;
  • As Acting Permanent Secretary (in absence of PS), consulting with and advising the Ministers of State in the VPO on Union and Environment issues; Minister and Deputy Ministers on Energy and Minerals’ matters; and Minister and Deputy Minister on Water and Irrigation issues.
  • Advising the PS on preparation of cabinet Memoranda;
  • Assisting the PS in ensuring that the Office’s/Ministry’s initiatives, operations and conduct are consistent with the Office’s/Ministry’s Vision, Mission, Strategic Plan and other guiding documents (Laws, regulations, ruling party’s Election Manifesto, etc.)
  • Participating in Government’s standing and ad-hoc committees;
  • Assisting the PS in overseeing staff recruitment, promotion and capacity development;
  • Assisting the Accounting Officer in supervising preparation of budget and budget speech; and controlling expenditures;
  • Assisting the  PS  in  coordinating  sectoral  matters  (Union  and  Environment  in  Vice President’s Office- including review of environmental impact & audit and reports strategic environmental assessments; Energy and Mineral issues in Ministry of Energy and Minerals; and Water and Irrigation matters in Ministry of Water and Irrigation) including presiding over sector meetings and projects Steering Committees.


  2. 1. Executive Course for Oil, Gas and Mineral Governance at Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, UK

Course duration: 8th – 13th September, 2015

Course content: Domestic foundations for resource governance, Discovery and deciding to extract, Getting a good deal, Managing revenues, investing for sustainable development and International foundations for resource governance.

  1. 2. Effective Strategic Procurement, Award of Tender and Contract Management

Course duration: 11th May – 5th June 2009

Course content: Overall contracting strategy, Planning the contract process, Introduction to procurement planning, Role of Procurement Manager/Team, Performance management as a driver for service delivery improvement, Examining contracting documentation – specifications, Seeking expressions of interest; Keeping up the standards, Outsourcing, Procurement strategies, Framework Agreements, Procuring and managing consultants, Sustainable Procurement, Contract. Management & Monitoring Performance, Contract Negotiation, and Advanced evaluation of tenders.


  1. 3. Management, Control and Monitoring of Donor Funded Projects, Mbabane, Swaziland

Course duration: 14th November – 9th December 2005,

Course content:          General  Management,  Financial  Management;  Fund  Deployment  and Project Management.


  1. 4. Training on Public Finance Act 2001 and related Regulations, organized by Ministry of Finance

Course duration: November/December 2001.

Course content:  Understanding the  Public Finance Act of 200 with the related regulations including procurement.

  1. 5. Computer Software Applications, International Communications Systems (T) Ltd, Dar es Salaam.

Course duration: Feb. – March 1999.

Course content: Microsoft PowerPoint 97, Desktop Publishing, E-mail and the Internet.

  1. 6. Management  Development  Training  Programme  at  Eastern  and  Southern  Africa Management Institute (ESAMI), Arusha, Tanzania

Course duration: 24 –28 August 1999.

Course content:          Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI) organised course  specific for Ministry of energy and Minerals’ staff. The course included: Leadership, strategic management planning, programme & project management cycle, delegation, office and office management, action planning, and environment management.


  1. 7. Engineers’ field attachment in the Netherlands

Course duration: August to November 1997.

Course content:          Working with field engineers in thermal power plants, wind energy farms and solar PV industry (planning, operation and maintenance aspects); working with researchers at University of Eindhoven and Netherlands Policy Research Centre.

  1. 8. Finance for Non-Finance Managers – Harare, Zimbabwe. Course duration: 5th to 30th September 198

Course content:  Course  organised  by  the  Eastern  and  Southern  African  Management Institute (ESAMI) and included: Basics of Accounting and Book Keeping; cost accounting and project cycle.

  1. 9. Introduction to Computers Course – ICL Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Course duration: February 1988 (three weeks).

Course content:          History of computers, parts of a computer and introduction to computer application software.

  1. 10. International Course on Rural Energy Planning – Enschede, the Netherland Course duration: May – June 1987.

Course content:          Energy resources, energy technologies, energy resource assessment, energy project cycle, energy planning for rural development and environmental aspects of energy development.


  1. F) MEMBERSHIP: Current
  • EWURA Board of Directors (October 2022 – Now)
  • Institution of Engineers Tanzania ((MIET) – IET- Corporate Member.


  • TANESCO Board of Directors (October, 2008 – July 2010)
  • Ministry of Energy and Minerals’ Tender Board (2005 – 2010)
  • Oryx Oil Co. Board of Directors (2002 – 2005)
  • Member UNDP-GEF Small Grants Programme’s National Steering Committee. (1997 – 2005)
  • Tanzania Traditional Energy Development and Environment Organisation (TaTEDO) (1997 -2006)



Have written a number of papers, reports and some publications on renewable energy, energy efficiency, minerals, environment and other Energy issues. Below is a list of selected papers/reports/publications:

  • A pre-investment Report on the Introduction of Improved charcoal production techniques, June 1988.
  • Development of Alternative Energy Resources, Management of wood fuel and efficient use of Energy; Paper presented at the 3rd meeting of the Technical Committee for National Conservation strategy” Tanga, April 1992.
  • Position paper on Bio-electrification in Tanzania, Paper presented at a Rural Electrification seminar Nyanga, Zimbabwe, May 1992.
  • A study and assessment of Energy Projects and their effective utilization February, 1994. A study  commissioned and funded by the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH).
  • A Framework for application of Renewable Energy Technologies and Energy Conservation April, 1998; Co-authored document funded by the UNDP/UNIDO.
  • Woodfuel use in Tanzania rural based industries – Brick kilns studies in Tanzania. A co- authored Ministry of Energy and Minerals and Stockholm Environment Institute publication, 1999.
  • The Status of Renewable Energy Application in Tanzania: Paper presented at the OAU/STRC Experts Meeting on Renewable energies. 20th – 24th March 2000: IPI University of Dar es Salaam.
  • Energy policy for Tanzania: Renewable Energy Options for Consideration in Reformulating the Policy. Paper presented at the TaTEDO organized Renewable Energy Development Strategies for Policy and Decision Makers, 27th – 28th April 2000: COSTECH Dar es Salaam.
  • Opportunities for Construction Industry in the Energy and Mineral Sectors, a Co-authored Paper presented at the Construction Industry (CI) Forum, April 2001.
  • Energy Sector  Policy  in  Tanzania.  A  Co-Authored  paper  presented  at  the  Inception Workshop for the Lower Kihansi Environmental Management Project (LKEMP), 24th –25th January 2002: TANESCO Institute – Morogoro.
  • Brief Country Write-up on Tanzania; A Brief paper for the Expert Brainstorming workshop on Renewable in Africa: 23-24 May 2003, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Status of Power Sub-Sector Reforms and Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Tanzania; A Co-authored paper prepared for an Eastern Africa Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) Regional Consultation Meeting, Nairobi Kenya, 9-10th June 2003.
  • Brief  on  Status  of  Geothermal  Energy,  a  Paper  presented  during  the  International Conference on Geothermal and Territory Pomarance- Pisa, Italy 29-30 January 2004.
  • Co-authored Report on Review of the Past Assessments, Studies, Strategies and Action

Plans for the Energy Sector under National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA), May


  • Engineering contribution in poverty reduction: Infrastructure and Utilities as stimulants of economic development- Energy and Economic Development. Co-authored paper presented at the 3rd Annual Engineers’ Day 2005, Diamond Jubilee Hall, Dar es Salaam.


  • Status and Prospects of Biomass-based Co-generation and Geothermal technologies in Tanzania. Co-authored Chapter in Sustainable Energy for Africa, A publication of African Energy Policy research Network (AFREPREN/FWD), 2005.
  • Co-generation for Africa, Tanzania Country Report. A co-authored report commissioned by African Energy Policy research Network (AFREPREN/FWD), 2006.
  • Energy Crisis: Challenge for a Focus and Investment on Alternative Sources of Energy for Tanzania; Solar and Wind as Alternative Sources of Energy for TanzaniaCo-authored paper presented at the 5th Annual Engineers’ Day 2007, Blue Pearl – Ubungo Plaza, Dar es Salaam.
  • Large Scale Hydropower, Renewable Energy Adaptation & Climate Change &Energy Security in East &Horn of Africa, the Case of Tanzania. Co-authored presentation at AFREPREN/FWD, Nairobi, November, 2008.
  • Engineering Opportunities in the Extractive Industry in the Region; Prospects, Challenges and the Way Forward – Focus on Tanzania, Co-Authored Paper Presented at Annual Engineers’ Day, 6th – 7th September, 2012.
  • Environment challenges for the oil and gas industry and the National Environmental Policy, paper presented at 2nd National Oil and Gas Conference, Mwalimu Nyerere International Conference Centre, Dar es Salaam, 23rd – 24th October, 2013.
  • Extractive Industry (in Oil, Gas and Minerals) role in sustainable development; A Co- Authored Paper Presented at Annual Engineers’ Day, September, 2015.


  • PPRA Workshop 2006 in Dar
  • WSSD – Prep Com in Bali and Summit in Republic of South Africa, 2002
  • SBSTA – Bonn, Germany, 2004
  • WREC – Bon 2004
  • Engineers’ Registration Board’s Annual Meetings
  • CSD – New York
  • Meeting with Swedish Energy Agency (STEM) on cooperation regarding bioenergy development (Team Leader)
  • Logical Framework Analysis for Biofuels/Rural energy
  • Oil and Gas Industry Development and Operation Learning Visit to India, September 21st – October 3rd, 2013
  • 2nd National Oil and Gas Conference, Dar es Salaam, 23rd – 24th October, 2013
  • 2014 Mining Indaba, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, 3-6th February, 2014
  • 4th Africa Down Under (Mining Conference and Exhibition), Perth, Australia, 3rd – 5th September, 2014
  • Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Annual Convention (an International Mining industry annual event organized by PDAC), 1st – 4th March, 2015


Name: Ngosi C.X. Mwihava






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