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Power Purchase Agreements
Section 25 of the Electricity Act, Cap 131 mandates the Authority to approve Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). In that regard, EWURA has developed Standardized Power Purchase Agreements for Small Power Projects with capacity up to 10MW. Furthermore, the Authority has developed Model Power Purchase Agreements for power projects for seven power generation energy resources which include hydro, solar, wind, biomass, natural gas, coal and fuel oil power generation above 10MW in order to provide guidance to parties when negotiating for PPAs.
(a) Standardized Power Purchase Agreement
- Standardized Power Purchase Agreement for Small Power Projects
(b) Model Power Purchase Agreement
- Model PPA for Hydropower generation;
- Model PPA for Fuel Oil fired power generation;
- Model PPA for Model-PPA-for-Solar-power-generation;
- Model PPA for Geothermal power generation;
- Model PPA for Wind based generation;
- Model PPA for Coal fired power generation; and
- Model PPA for Natural Gas fired power generation.
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