EWURA yatangaza bei Mpya za Mafuta kwa mwezi Oktoba, 2019

Mamlaka ya Udhibiti wa Huduma za Nishati na Maji (EWURA), inatangaza bei kikomo za bidhaa za mafuta ya petroli hapa nchini. Bei hizi zitaanza kutumika kuanzia Jumatano, Tarehe 2 Oktoba 2019.




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3 thoughts on “EWURA yatangaza bei Mpya za Mafuta kwa mwezi Oktoba, 2019

  1. I would humbly congratulate your Authority for a well done job to stabilize fuel price.
    May I please know the guides for construction of a fuel station including a number of entry accesses required.

    1. Dear Mdemeka,
      You must apply for a construction approval through an online system available in our website. The system is known as LOIS.
      Before applying, you must have a proof ownership of a land, the size of the land must be not less than 400sq; approved drawing of a fuel station and an approval from relevant authorities which allow you to construct fuel station in such area, prior making applications. For any inquiry please call 0800110030.

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