Employment Opportunity

The Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA) is an independent, World-Class Regulatory Authority responsible for licensing, tariff setting and quality of service regulation of the Electricity, Petroleum, Natural Gas and Water sectors. EWURA has the following vacancies for which suitably qualified Tanzanians are invited to apply. All electronic applications shall channel through jobs@ewura.go.tz while hardcopies shall physically be submitted to the Director General, EWURA Headquarters in Dodoma.

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22 thoughts on “Employment Opportunity

  1. Hello;
    Nauliza kama zile kazi ambazo deadline ilikuwa mwezi August tarehe 9 shortlist tayari au tuendelee kuwa na matumaini.

    1. Dear Vanesa,
      EWURA do not offer volunteering opportunities. It offers field attachments to students for a period not exceeding three months.Students are required to submit letters from the universities or colleges. EWURA in collaboration with various stakeholders, also offers internship opportunities especially to women from time to time. The internships are usually advertised in the media, applicants screened and shortlisted for interview prior starting carrier development.

  2. Habari ,kunatarifa kuwa tayari mamlaka imesha tangaza majina ya wanaotakiwa kwenye usaili kama ndio ni kwenye ukurasa upi tunaweza pata hayo majina

    1. Ndugu Mahinda,
      Samahani kuchelewa kujibu suala lako. Utaratibu wa kuitwa kwenye usaili unaotumiwa na Mamlaka ni kuwasiliana na waliofaulu vigezo vilivyohitajika.

    2. Ndugu Ashiru,
      Taarifa za kuitwa katika usaili huwa haziwekwi katika tovuti yetu. Tunao utaratibu wa kuwasiliana na waliochaguliwa.

    1. Habari Fabian,
      Leseni hutolewa ndani ya siku 30 za kazi, tangu kupokea maombi kamili. Kwa maana kwamba maombi hayana mushkeli wowote na vyuo ulivyosoma vimethibitisha ujuzi na utambuzi wako.Endapo ikitokea leseni kuchelewa kidogo, basi masuala tajwa yanauwa hayajakamilika. Hata hivyo Mamlaka inajitahidi kutoa leseni kwa haraka na ufanisi wa hali ya juu. Kila mwezi huwa tunatoa orodha ya wakandarasi waliopewa leseni.

    2. Bwana Fabian,
      Kwa mujibu wa Mkataba wetu kwa mteja, leseni za mfumo wa uzalishaji, uendeshaji ,usafirishaji, usambazaji na ufungaji umeme hutolea ndani ya siku 30 za kazi tangu tarehe ya kupokea maombi kamili.
      Zaidi piga 0800110030 (bure)

  3. when do you think the shortlist for senior customer service officer will be out???? or the candidate already employed??? please update us if any is possibe

    1. Dear Isaya,
      Only shortlisted candidates are communicated.Therefore, if you are one of them, you will be contacted.

    2. Dear Isaya,
      Kindly, ONLY shortlisted candidates are contacted. If you qualified you will be notified.

  4. Hellow,application ya feb 2020 ya ict officer shortilisted tayari …but i suggest kama zinakuwa tayari muwe mnatoa notefication ilitusiwe tunauliza kila siku ….inasaidia mtu kujua pia

  5. Hellow,application ya feb 2020 ya ict officer shortilisted tayari ??…but i suggest kama zinakuwa tayari muwe mnatoa notefication ilitusiwe tunauliza kila siku ….inasaidia mtu kujua pia

    1. Dear Ahmed,
      EWURA does not offer internship opportunities. It does offer field practical to students from various higher learning institutions.

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