Employment Opportunities: Senior Engineer – Gas Transmission, Senior Economist, Petroleum Inspector and Drivers, October 2020

EWURA has the following vacancies for which suitably qualified Tanzanian citizens are invited to apply by 23rd October, 2020.

Read More: Employment Opportunities-October 2020

Visits: 3366

9 thoughts on “Employment Opportunities: Senior Engineer – Gas Transmission, Senior Economist, Petroleum Inspector and Drivers, October 2020

  1. Hongereni sana EWURA kwa kutangaza nafasi za kazi tena mara kwa mara, hakika mnatimiliza azima ya Rais ya kuongeza ajira kwa vijana. Nauliza mtumishi wa umma aliye taasisi au mamlaka nyingine ya serikali akitaka kuomba kuhamia EWURA kama hiyo sera mnayo na anafuata utaratibu upi ili afanikiwe?

  2. I wish EWURA would open doors for females in the petroleum division, we are always left behind…qualifications we have but it seems as if we are not seen. Hope this time around they select us please empower female with petroleum degree in Tanzania.

  3. habari poleni na majukumu ya kujenga taifa ,ningependa kuuliza je ? usaili na majibu ya nafasi Senior Engineer – Gas Transmission, Senior Economist, Petroleum Inspector and Drivers ulisha fanyika .mimi ni mmoja ya walio apply

    1. Dear Gasper,
      EWURA offers field practical to students undertaking their studies in various universities.
      You welcome

  4. I would like to work with EWURA. It has been my all day wish to be part of the team. Kindly give me a chance to bring my CV incase of any position.
    Maureen Hans

    1. Dear Maureen,
      Kindly be informed that, the EWURA’s recruitment policy requires that any vacant position must be advertised in local newspapers as well as Authority website and must be filled through a competitive selection. Therefore we advise you keep in touch with time to time vacancy announcements and apply.
      You welcome.

  5. Hello,
    Why is the Bachelor Degree in Petroleum Chemistry is usually not mentioned in your job posts while the subjects studied in that programme are related with all the oil jobs you do at EWURA.


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