EWURA Updates the LSSP Database for the month of December 2021 with 1182 local suppliers

EWURA wishes to inform the petroleum industry operators, suppliers, service providers and the general public that it has updated the LSSP for the month of December,2021 with an increase of 80 local business entities which makes a total of 1,182 currently registered in the LSSP Database;-

Read More :- Preamble December 2021


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4 thoughts on “EWURA Updates the LSSP Database for the month of December 2021 with 1182 local suppliers

  1. Sisi, kampuni ya NIFLOSI GRAPHICS AND ACCESSORIES yenye makao makuu jijini Dar es Salaam. Tunapanda kujisajili kwenye Local Suppliers and Service Providers (LSSP) ya EWRA. Email yetu ni niflosi2021@gmail.com
    Tunaomba utaratibu wa kufuata ili kujisajili.


    John Malanilo
    Deputy CEO

  2. Habari naitwa Kassim Flugence Akilimali.
    Nimepata tenda ya kusambaza maji ya kunywa (packed bottles za maji ya Afya) kwenye mradi wa bomba la mafuta Chongoleani -Tanga. Kama mtu binafsi.
    nimeabiwa niombe kibali Ewura,naomba kujua utaratibu ukoje.
    mawasiliano yangu ni : email akilimali3000@gmail.com
    namba ya simu: 0719411755

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